Holy Baptism is a ‘sacrament’: a visible sign of God’s love. It marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives, the first step in response to God’s love.
Baptism is a joyful moment when we rejoice in what God has done for us in Christ, making serious promises and declaring the Christian faith. The wider community of the local church and friends welcome the new Christian, promising support and prayer for the future. In Baptism, united with the whole Church throughout the ages, we journey into the fullness of God’s love.
Jesus said, ‘I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.’ (John 10.10)
Baptism is not only for babies! Any un-Baptized person – of whatever age – wishing to live and grow in the Christian faith can ask to be Baptised.
Baptism at St Edmund’s
At St Edmund’s, we follow the policy of the Church of England, that Baptism should normally take place during the main Sunday service, the Sunday Parish Eucharist. (If there are particular pastoral circumstances, it may be possible for a Baptism to be celebrated at another time.)
The reason why Baptism normally takes place during the main Sunday service is so that the Congregation (the local Church representing the whole Christian Church) can positively welcome the newly-Baptised person into the life of the Christian Church.
For this reason also, it is usual for a person to be Baptised in the Church of the Parish in which they live or worship.
The Baptism of an older candidate who is able to answer for himself / herself is normally celebrated with Confirmation and First Holy Communion, with the Bishop presiding. This follows the centuries-old tradition of the Christian Church.
Baptism Enquiries
In the first instance, please contact the Rector for an Appointment. Better still, come to a Service and say hello afterwards.
Scheduling – We are very pleased to welcome you, but please bare in mind that availability of dates will depend on a number of factors, such as the number of the other Baptism enquiries and the Season of the Church Year (by ancient custom Baptisms are not normally celebrated in the Season of Lent – the six Sundays and weeks before Easter Sunday).
If in doubt, ask early!