Good Friday Procession of Witness in Downham Market & District
During the course of the year there are a number of shared ‘Church Together’ events, but the Good Friday Procession of Witness is the major ecumenical celebration and joint act of witness.
Usually around 150 people take part, from the seven member churches participating:
– St Edmund’s Parish Church
– Ouse Valley Benefice
– West Norfolk Priory Benefice
– St. Dominic’s Roman Catholic Church
– Methodist Church
– Salvation Army
– Eternity, Downham Market
– Cornerstones, Barroway Drove
There are seven ‘stations’ in all, and we usually follow the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Luke.
The participating church groups take responsibility for leading one of the seven stations, at each of which there is a hymn (led by the Salvation Army band), reflection and prayer. Representatives from the churches also take it turn to carry the large cross. The walking between stations is in silence, which is usually very powerful!
Starting at St Edmund’s Parish Church, on the hill at the top of the central area of the town, we proceed to St Dominic’s Roman Catholic Church, Tesco’s supermarket, the Salvation Army, Wales Court Shopping precinct, Somerfield supermarket and the Methodist Church. The route takes us round most of the town centre.