Any Donations Would be Much Appreciated

It would be lovely to think that the ministry of the Church and keeping its beautiful grade 1 listed building in good repair, could be all done for free!

But we all know that isnt true.

The books of the Holy Bible tell the story of God’s generous love. In Jesus of Nazareth, God became poor that we might become rich in him.

The Bible encourages us to respond generously – of our Time, of our Talents and of our Treasure.

By giving of our Treasure, we helpto resource God’s Church for her mission and ministry. It becomes nothing less than ‘Kingdom-building money’

The way the overall cost of ministry in the Diocese of Ely is shared out between all the parishes means that the cost of providing a priest for Downham Market is actually supported by other Christians from the Diocese.

Nevertheless, the annual cost ‘to us’ of running the Church (without major repairs) is around £50,000, about £1,000 a week.

GIFTS can be made online
(please include the reference DONATION). Thank you.

Account — Downham Market Parochial Church Council
SORT Code— 20–46–65
Account No— 20331538