
10:30am Parish Mass

Other Sunday Service (e.g. Evening Prayer & Benediction) are as announced

Weekday Mass

Tuesday & Thursday 10.00am

Friday 12noon

Please check weekly sheet or noticeboard for occasional variations in times

Enquiries for events

For an appointment to discuss arrangements, please contact the Rector in the first instance.

Ministry to the Sick

Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Healing (anointing) are available for the sick. Please contact the Clergy.

Instruction in the Christian Faith and Preparation for the Sacaments

Please contact the Clergy

Womens Fellowship

An informal friendship group which started after the Mothers’ Union branch went into suspended animation.

Third Wednesday of the Month (except January and August) for the three Cs – Cuppa, Cake, and Chat!

Venue and time as announced.